Interpersonal communication is interaction among a small number of people and is characterized by more personal and individualized communication than that which takes place in larger groups. We communicate differently in different relationships. We are often attracted to people with similar attitudes, interests, values, habits, and communication styles. Effective communication is essential to manage ongoing intimacy in a long-term relationship.
What is Communication?
It is a process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people, usually with the intent to motivate or influence behavior. Organizations cannot operate without communication. Communication can take various forms but all forms involve the transfer of information from one party to others.
There are Internal and External Communication. Internal Communication – also known as Employee Communication – is basic, facilitating strategic connections and conversations within your organization. This communication takes place between leaders, managers and employees – or peer-to-peer, from leader-to-leader or employee-to-employee, for example.
On the other hand, external communication is an informal exchange of information and messages between an organization and other organizations, groups or individuals outside its formal structure.
Internal communication is an essential process, based on which the staff exchanges information, establishes relationships, forms a system of values, creates an organizational culture, harmonizes the activities, collaborates for the achievement of goals and develops formal and informal networks. When the organization is communicating effectively with its internal stakeholders, whether they are employees, management, it develops a cohesive culture when everyone is focused on the same goals and has the same objectives. By working within a cohesive culture. Its stakeholders can work more efficiently together and collaborate more effectively. Some specific benefits that can result from effective internal communication include:
- Team spirit
- Teamwork
- Sense of belonging
There is a relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction. The “climate” in each area, is strongly influenced and characterized by the style of management. To facilitate an open atmosphere, serene, collaboration and trust, each manager should communicate with their employees and be willing to listen.
There are two poles of climates: the supportive and the defensive. In the first case people share information and work together to solve problems; the mistakes are considered as opportunities to learn; the successes are recognized and the people feel appreciated for what they are.
A defensive climate, instead, is described as a workplace unfriendly, rigid and unsupportive. In this type of climate employees are often found to be unhappy because of the way that interactions are handled and the culture inside these organizations is usually unfriendly. The employees don’t share information; the mistakes are considered a failure; the successes of others arouse jealousy. employees work in competition.
The supportive climate encourages the subordinate, whereas the defensive climate put the individual on guard, reacting defensively to the words and tone of speaker in their interactions.

These dichotomies illustrate the approach or communication styles of a managers’ in their interactions with employees or with their subordinate and also with their co-workers.
High performance organization proved to practice a stronger supportive interaction, such as higher level of descriptive behavior, more problem orientation than control in their interaction, more spontaneity, empathy or more responsive to others’ feeling, ask more input or clarification rather than discourage interaction, and a higher degree of provisional. in organizing job related activities, management needs to applied a more supportive climate that is supported by their quality of interaction. Quality of interaction are derived from two important element, that are the quality of interaction in interpersonal relationship and the quality exchange and sharing of information. These findings support the formation of stronger supportive climate through the communication behavioral dimension especially trust, openness and the ability of a manager to become an effective listener. Through these three dimensions it will cultivate the higher degrees of participation.
Differences in male and female communication
Across all studies that examine gender differences in communication, gender explains only about 5% of the variation in communication styles, tendencies (Canary & Hause, 1993; Dindia, 2006) Under equal condition, it is likely to rely more who you know or values what he does.
The male has good communication skills through management historical leadership.
“Maleness” equates with effective leadership. In general, women are more perceptive than men. The women often adopt a communication style low-profile.
Feminine communication style: gentle, sensitive, understanding, sentimental, compassionate, excitable.
Masculine communication style: aggressive, dominant, forceful, stern, analytical, competitive.
Men and women should not discount certain communication skills as feminine and not use them. It is very important establish management communication training programs for giving and accepting feedback, and managers of the 90’s need to be human relations-oriented rather than competitive.
Men and women need to be flexible by combining skills thought of as typically male and female.